Judicial diversion in Los Angeles: How it works and who qualifies.
What to Do After a DUI Arrest in Los Angeles County
A step-by-step guide to protecting your rights and building a strong defense following a DUI arrest.
A new bill signed into California law allows for judges to offer diversion over the objection of prosecutors.
What to do if the police contact you
An overview of what to do if the police attempt to contact you about a criminal investigation.
Los Angeles Criminal Court Coronavirus Guidelines
A compilation of guidelines issued by Los Angeles courts regarding Coronavirus and criminal defense cases.
Measure R Focuses on Alternatives to Jail and Sheriff Oversight
A discussion of Measure R, which was recently passed by Los Angeles area voters.
Mental Health Diversion in Los Angeles and Orange County
A summary of new mental health diversion options for criminal defendants.
Torrance Criminal Defense
A summary of the Torrance criminal defense process.
What do I do after a DUI arrest?
A discussion of what to do after an officer places you under arrest for DUI in Los Angeles or Orange County.
Sealing Your Arrest in California Just Became Easier
California has enacted new laws regarding sealing an arrest.